To receive funding, there must be a philosophical alignment between Whanau Ora and what you are proposing to deliver. Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has utilised whānau voice to develop a way to identify if we are being helpful and creating opportunities for whānau success.
The Whānau Ora Outcomes Framework provides the central foundation by which all whānau aspirations can be measured.
Be realistic about your needs and the costs for which you are seeking funds. If you are successful, we will attempt to make a fair contribution to your project.
Successful applications will have:
For each application we need to know:
As part of your application, you will need to attach an implementation plan, proposed budget and other supporting documents.
After you submit your application you will be notified by email to acknowledge that it has been received for consideration. All applicants will be notified in writing after the decision making process to let you know if the application has been approved. The next phase, of the application process is to satisfy a due diligence process and begin negotiation of your agreement (legally binding contract). You will also be required to report on your whanau ora outcomes every three months. And we have a team that is available to help you every step of the way.
More information
Phone us on 0800 187 689 or email wavefunding@teputahitanga.org
The following are a range of practical templates to download and use on your whānau ora journey
Sustainability Plan Risk and Mitigation Plan Implementation Plan Business Plan Budget Planning Calculator