Advocacy in the Face of Adversity

We will continue to advocate on behalf of our whānau and hapori, and to do our very best to secure funding to deliver back into the hands of those who will use it best.
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He āhuru mōwai – A safe place for all

As a commissioning agency, we see our role as accessing the resources and expertise needed to realise whānau aspirations.
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Getting to the heart of the matter.

I hope we can all see AI for what it is: a tool, not a panacea, and certainly not a replacement for EQ or indeed for people.  
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Strengthening our resolve

It is without a doubt a massive blow to see that work undone, and especially to face the reality that our Government seems to view Māori outcomes as expendable. However, this only makes the work of Whānau Ora even more important than ever.
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Tīmata Technologies – Fresh, kiwi meals, delivered to your door!

Tīmata Technologies has launched an app so that users can purchase affordable meals for delivery from the comfort of their home.
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Te Puna Reo o Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki te Rangi

Te Puna Reo o Te Ahi Kaikōura a Tama ki te Rangi is a new puna reo; a kaupapa Māori early learning centre that has recently opened there doors to all whānau in Kaikōura, situated on the grounds of Hāpuku school.
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Rangatahi Toa – The New Generation of Boxers

Papuni Boxing Ōtautahi recently held the Rangatahi Toa boxing event to introduce a new generation of boxers.
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Mokopuna Ora

Mokopuna Ora is one of the cornerstone programmes of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, a whānau-led, whānau-centred approach that supports parents with tamariki under the age of five.
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Huikai Creations

An unexpected journey into the world of candles! Huikai Creations was born from the simple joy of Ngaire and her tamariki experimenting with a DIY kit. Now, their home garage has become the maker station as the pakihi grows.
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Digitally connecting whānau – Uruora

Uruora is a digital solution created by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu that support whānau to access telehealth services.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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