Rangatahi Toa – The New Generation of Boxers

Papuni Boxing Ōtautahi recently held the Rangatahi Toa boxing event to introduce a new generation of boxers.
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Mokopuna Ora

Mokopuna Ora is one of the cornerstone programmes of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, a whānau-led, whānau-centred approach that supports parents with tamariki under the age of five.
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Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

I start the week reminded of this whakataukī, Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa, which speaks to the importance of connection, of staying connected, and of maintaining dialogue so that, together, we can continue to move forward.
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‘I belong’

As Canterbury enjoys a well-deserved day off, we are getting ready for an exciting two days out at Pacific Series 2023 – a rugby league tournament that brings together teams from all over Aotearoa and the Pacific.
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Good to be home

This week, we share photos from Te Mana Kuratahi, head to Akaroa to hear about the difference Uruora is making for whānau and share details of two upcoming exhibitions that showcase the depth of talent among our Māori artists in Te Waipounamu.
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An auntie network like no other

The Māori Women’s Welfare League is one of our great taonga.
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Huikai Creations

An unexpected journey into the world of candles! Huikai Creations was born from the simple joy of Ngaire and her tamariki experimenting with a DIY kit. Now, their home garage has become the maker station as the pakihi grows.
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Digitally connecting whānau – Uruora

Uruora is a digital solution created by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu that support whānau to access telehealth services.
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Aroā te marea, kia ora ai te iwi

Among the many investment streams of the Whānau Ora network in Te Waipounamu, an important one for us is Aroā.
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Te Waipounamu Māori Women’s Welfare League

The Māori Women’s Welfare League provide a supportive network for generations of wāhine Māori throughout Aotearoa.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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